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Flexibility Makeover Featuring Lysanne Richard Top Female High Diver.  Bonus! 2nd Course 23 Minute Pre-Competition Prep

Flexibility Makeover Featuring Lysanne Richard Top Female High Diver. Bonus! 2nd Course 23 Minute Pre-Competition Prep

Regular price €136,95 Sale


2 Courses  (Private Filmed Skype Sessions) With Top Female High Diver & Cirque du Soleil Performer Lysanne Richard

Course # 1 Running Time: 47:10 minutes:

Issues addressed: Neck injury recovery, open the back, hamstrings for pike dive, range of motion in arms, toe point and overall flexibility for this champion high diver at the top of her game

You can train along with this session of releasing of Lysanne’s neck injury where she was barely able to turn her head on one side and diving deeper into the back and hamstrings for pike dive, range of motion in arms, improving toe point and over-all flexibility for this top Red Bull Cliff Diver. Featuring Lysanne Richard!

Course # 2  Running Time: 23 minutes:

Pre-performance condensed program designed to do pool side before important competitions. Excellent for Synchronized Swimmers, Cheerleading, Dancers, Gymnasts & Performers or Athletes that want to perform their best.