Flexibility Makeover - Rhythmic Gymnastics Series 1 & 2
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Flexibility Makeover-Rhythmic Gymnastics Series 1 & 2
Level : Upper Intermediate - Extremely Advanced
Program 1 running time: 1:12
Program 1 running time: 1:12
Program 2 Running time: 1:03
Tremendous results for developpe, back-arch, extensions, needle, over-splits and clear tight hips
Tremendous results for developpe, back-arch, extensions, needle, over-splits and clear tight hips
When Naomi's Mother first came to Stacey she was concerned because Naomi’s coach would push her down into splits and make her cry. Sadly, This is not the 1st time Stacey has heard about this abusive and dangerous training method. After she worked with Stacey she learned that effective flexibility training can be fun, gentle and she can safely enjoy the process.
Intensive Session #2:
Intensive Session #2:
In this session we continue to work on deep hip openers, excellent for turn out, clearing back, hip & knee pain, increasing range of motion. Another focus is on Naomi's tight feet & clearing the tightness going all the way up into the hamstrings. This brought measurable results in her front developpe. This also covers back-arch, extensions & over-splits